After taking a break with the 72 GTO birthday build it's time to get back to a couple of projects that have been on the bench....
First up the 65 Olds Dynamic 88. I got this on eBay as a true glue bomb for $40--beat to crap, decals over unpainted plastic, a total mess. I have never tried to fix a glue bomb before. I figure this kit to be rare--I have never seen another Olds Dynamic 88 kit for sale; Coulter/Shelton's model collecting directory says it was originally issued in 65 and never reissued. I figured it was worthwhile to fix this one up.
First, i got rid of the huge sinkmarks in the trunk lid--nothing new here--this is something I've had to fix on many builds before. Tamiya basic Putty, thinned with Testors liquid cement followed by 800 and the 1200 sanding stick did the trick.
The hood presents a bigger challenge. There is a large gap between the back of the hood and the body. A custom hood that came with the eBay buy--this must have been a 3n1 kit--might fit better, but the custom hood had some damage out of the box I am not sure which way I will go.
The sides need a lot or work!!! The original builder attached giant Lake pipes, which proved to be difficult to remove--he really glued the dickens out of these. The pipes came off, but now I need to smooth the side panels. Getting really clean lines on the repaired surfaces is proving nearly impossible. I might end up making this a "kustom" and using parts box lake pipes to cover things up....or, it might be easier to find an original unbuilt Dynamic 88 for $150 or whatever, hold my nose and buy it, and just skip all the repair baloney!
....if that's not enough....I'm also still working on a vintage MPC '75 Vette Roadster; this is probably end up being a stock build.
The hood doesn't quite fit (of course--what AMT and MPC kits have hoods that fit?) but it's pretty close....
And...the rear logo will need to be hand painted as i not been able to find photoetch that will work. Bummer! Not looking forward to that....
Overall the Vette and the Olds are ready for more sanding and TLC. More work! More work! More work!!!
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