The day after I had to leave, so the Willies remained partially built. I went back a few months later and laid down the body paint (Testors Plum Crazy, I think, with enamel Testors clear) straight out of the rattle can. I remember covering the wet body with a glass baking dish and hitting the road again, maybe for another year. So again, the project was shelved for quite some time.
OK fast forward a few years (!) and I am building again, I had a few kits under my belt, and had learned about the polishing kit trick where you start with 1200 grit pads and work your way up to 10,000 grit. For a nice, simple, rounded body like this, and thick enamel paint that polish system works great! The paint on this build, even though it was sloppy rattle can, was brought to life with polish, and the paint and clear coat looks pretty good.
This is box stock, and is a good, easy kit. I used a photo etch grille because the kit one didn't "look scale" and also left off the rear license plate, again, it looked too fat at 1:25.