Still working on the vintage MPC 1:25 scale Toyota 2000GT. As far as I can tell, this kit is old, was never reissued, and is thus quite rare, which of course means if I lose a part or screw up I can't go buy another kit (easily, anyway).
I have decided on a box-stock build and for this project, I am trying to focus on the ever-elusive "clean build" without spending the next three years pondering and fussing endlessly over every part.

So in that spirit am I building carefully? As always: no!!! Not careful enough anyway....I noticed after painting the chassis that the engine didn't fit as well as it did during test fit, and then realized I put the oil pan on backwards! I had to carefully cut the multi-piece block apart, flip it, and re-glue the pan. Now it's ready to be cleaned before repaint. Good news is, the engine is going to make it....

After cleaning, priming, and clipping all parts that needed to be painted (except the body) I airbrush all parts that needed the same "finish". This seems an obvious way to save time, but until recently I often wasn't doing this. For this run, I am using Alclad2 on suspension parts.....

To get some variety I am painting other "metalized" parts with acrylic crafts paint through a single action Iwata SAR airbrush--crafts paints cost a fraction of Alclad's prices and in my limited experience, give a nice contrast to the Alclad look.

To make sure I don't spill, scrape, or otherwise destroy painted parts I store like parts in small plastic takes time to bag everything up, but it takes more time to repaint something that gets dropped, soiled, or crushed!

To wrap it up for this post--how did the embossing powder fake-carpet look after paint? Great! Next up--body paint. White finish--can't wait....